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Breaking Free from the Mental Ropes: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs"


Limiting beliefs are the self-imposed limitations that hold us back from achieving our goals. They can be about ourselves, other people, or even the world around us. They can also be positive in nature--for example, if you believe that your company will succeed because of its mission or values rather than its products or services. Limiting beliefs are often formed early in life through experiences with parents and teachers who may have been critical of our efforts and achievements. If we receive constant negative feedback at an early age (or even later), it's easy for us to internalize these messages as truths about ourselves as well as other people and the world around us. As a result, we create mental scripts about how things work in reality--and these scripts become limiting beliefs!

The Elephant Trainer Story

Kain Ramsey and Jay Shetty tell the story of an elephant trainer who uses a simple rope to keep a fully grown elephant in place. The elephant is powerful enough to break through the rope, but it doesn't even try. The reason? When the elephant was young, it was tied up with a rope that was strong enough to keep it in place. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break free. Over time, the elephant learned to associate the rope with being trapped and held captive. Even when it became strong enough to break free, it didn't try because it believed it was impossible. This is a powerful metaphor for how limiting beliefs can hold us back. Just like the elephant, we often carry beliefs from our past experiences that prevent us from reaching our full potential. We may not even be aware of these beliefs or the impact they have on our lives.

Exploring Limiting Beliefs

The first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is to identify them. This can be a difficult task, as we often don't recognize our own assumptions and biases until they are pointed out by someone else. In order to explore your own limiting beliefs, it's important to ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I believe about myself?

  • What do I believe about other people?

  • How does this belief affect my behavior and choices in life?

Creating New Beliefs

It's important to remember that the affirmations you create are not meant to replace your negative thoughts. They are simply a tool for you to use when you find yourself thinking negatively. The goal is not to have no negative thoughts, but rather to have more positive ones than negative ones. When creating an affirmation, it's important that you choose words that resonate with your inner voice and feel right for your situation. Some examples of effective affirmations include:

  • "I am confident."

  • "I am successful."

  • "I deserve love."


The story of the elephant trainer reminds us that we all carry limiting beliefs from our past experiences that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. By identifying these beliefs and creating new, positive ones, we can break free from the mental ropes that keep us trapped and move towards a more fulfilling life. Remember, the power to change our beliefs lies within us--all we have to do is take the first step.

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